To make your booking as smooth as possible, please follow the instructions below:
Decide which tour you would like to join.
Read all of the details carefully, if you have any questions and the answer is not in the FAQs page, please feel free to give us a call or drop us an email.
Having made your choice please phone/email us (we are open 9am - 7pm) to reserve a place.
Once confirmed, we will hold your booking to allow you to forward your booking form and deposit.
Complete the booking form and make arrangements to pay the deposit of £100 by cheque (payable to UK Motorbike Tours Limited) or by a bank transfer (please ask for our bank details).)
Please read and sign the declaration attached to the booking form and confirm that you have read and our Terms and Conditions - we will not confirm your booking without it.
Credit card or Paypal payments are not currently accepted.
We will automatically send your booking confirmation showing the balance payable and by what date it is required by email or by post - please indicate your preference on your booking form.
Please see our Terms and Conditions here